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"PropInsight saved me from overpaying my property manager. Their quick check service was thorough and gave me peace of mind. Highly recommend!"

Emma J - Richmond VIC

Case Studies

Online Tutoring
Resolving Property Management Inefficiencies

Client: Emma J.
Service Used: PI Confidence Plus


Background: Emma had been working with a property manager for several years but started to suspect she was not receiving the best service. She felt the fees were high and service standards had dropped.


Challenge: Emma has spoken with the business owner, but she old defended her staff, Emma didn't feel heard. She needed a detailed, unbiased analysis to understand if her suspicions were valid and to determine if she was getting value for money.


Solution: Emma opted for PropInsight’s PI Confidence Plus service. The detailed report highlighted several areas where the property manager was underperforming, including not chasing late rent collections, poor maintenance follow-up, and a failure to arrange safety checks.


Outcome: With the insights from the PI Confidence Plus report, Emma was able to negotiate better terms with her property manager and saw immediate improvements in service quality. Her tenant satisfaction increased, and she saved money by ensuring she was only paying for services that were actually provided.

Court Room
Navigating a Complex Tenancy Tribunal

Client: Michael B.
Service Used: Comprehensive Tenancy Analysis


Background: Michael B. had been using a property manager to oversee his rental property. When a tenant filed a dispute at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) over a significant maintenance issue, Michael was alarmed. The tenant was claiming a substantial amount, and Michael feared that his property manager had not fulfilled their duties correctly and had provided him with inadequate advice.


Challenge: Michael needed to understand whether his property manager had handled the situation appropriately and if he had a solid defense against the tenant’s claims. He was particularly concerned about the financial implications of the dispute and the potential damages the tenant was seeking.


Solution: Michael turned to PropInsight for a Comprehensive Tenancy Analysis. The service provided a meticulous review of all relevant documentation, including the tenancy agreement, maintenance logs, and all communications between the property manager and the tenant. PropInsight’s experts scrutinized the timeline of events, identifying any lapses in the property manager’s actions and advising on compliance with the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act.


Outcome: The Comprehensive Tenancy Analysis report revealed several areas where the property manager had failed to act promptly and provided insufficient guidance to Michael. With this detailed report, Michael was able to confront his property manager with concrete evidence of their shortcomings.

Equipped with PropInsight’s comprehensive findings and recommendations, Michael went into the VCAT hearing with a well-prepared case. The tribunal found that while there were some valid points in the tenant’s claim, the amount sought was excessive. Thanks to the insights provided by PropInsight, Michael was able to negotiate a significantly reduced settlement.


Impact: The experience not only resolved the immediate issue but also empowered Michael with a better understanding of effective property management practices. Michael decided to seek a new property manager who demonstrated a commitment to proactive and transparent management. He also scheduled regular reviews with PropInsight to ensure ongoing compliance and optimal property management.


By leveraging PropInsight's expert analysis, Michael protected his investment and gained confidence in navigating future tenancy matters.

Ready to gain clarity and confidence in your property investments? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals.
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